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How to care for your blooms..
The life of the flowers will also depend on the care they receive.
The Vase – Make sure your vase is cleaned thoroughly before you fill it with water. Use a little bleach, and rinse.
Fill the vase with clean cold water, add the flower food supplied with flowers.
Cut the bottom 1cm of the stems using a sharp pair of scissors at an angle of 45° . Try to cut the stems under water which removes the chance of any air blockages.
Remove any leaves which may be below the waterline.
Flowers last longer in cool places (65° – 72°F or 18° – 22°C). Try to avoid placing flowers in direct sunlight or near heating appliances such as fans or radiators or in areas where there could be a draught.
Stems should be re-cut under water every other day by 1cm to ensure they are drawing the maximum water.
Place your flowers on display (away from ripening fruit) and ensure your vase is constantly topped up with water during the lifetime of your flowers.
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